
As I said in my previous post, a lot of the moments I've captured at camp have been video, but since realizing I can't put them online due to internet issues, I've began taking more photos. These are some of the photos from this Thursday and Friday at Jugando con los Valores!

On this day, we began as we always do at the park. We start with ice breakers and dynamic games to get the kids excited for the day, but also to wear them out a bit. After that, however, I accompanied 25 of the ~75 kids to the water museum, wherein they get to run around a park with sprinklers, blow bubbles, and learn about basic science of water.

On this day, a few leaders and I remained at the park with the kids who went to the museum yesterday or were new. We played on the playground, learned about different kinds of love and how we demonstrate them, and played more games.

This camp started off kind of hard on me, but I've really gotten into the groove of things and have already grown major attachments to some of the kids after only one week. Sometimes, life just takes adjusting or working through and suddenly it's worth all the struggles.

What to Look Forward to
Today, I'm off to Baños! I'll be doing a lot of fun and exciting activities, like white water rafting, jumping off a bridge with nothing but a rope to protect my life, and hanging out in hot springs. I am so excited!

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