

Kim and I woke up early on Sunday morning to go and see the sunrise. When we went out to see it, we realized the mountains blocked any kind of view that would have been possible! We decided to enjoy the early morning scenery anyways and took pictures! We even found some newly blooming flowers.

At 9am, a big group of us from the Hostel went to see the waterfalls! We drove in the back of a pickup truck into the jungle. When we arrived, we were shown a cable car and told to get on…We had no idea what to expect, but it was so beautiful, how could we say no! We then headed on the paths for waterfalls! In total, it was a four hour hike to see about 7 different waterfalls! 


We then approached the last waterfall! The Queen Waterfall, or Cascada Reina.


After our waterfall hike, we headed back to Mindo. We checked out of our Hostel, grabbed one last Quinoa burger and headed back to Quito on the bus!

It was an absolutely amazing weekend trip! I had so much fun and really enjoyed myself! 

Best Wishes,


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