BridgeUSA Winter Participants

Last month, Spirit Cultural Exchange representative Katherine had the opportunity to visit some of our BridgeUSA winter participants on the Work and Travel Program working at a ski hill in Wisconsin. This visit provided a firsthand look at how cultural exchange strengthens local communities, fosters international cooperation, and creates lifelong people-to-people connections.

During her trip, Katherine joined participants for a cultural activity, toured their housing, enjoyed lunch with them and their Host Employer, and saw them in action at work!

As part of their cultural exchange experience, participants, along with several American coworkers and managers, visited a local museum to learn about their town’s history. They explored how the town and the ski hill developed over the past century, played an old organ, browsed high school yearbooks, and even enjoyed homemade cookies brought by a museum volunteer. These moments of shared learning highlight the richness of American culture and the value of people-to-people diplomacy.

BridgeUSA Winter Participants

After a quick visit to participant housing, conveniently located near their workplace, Katherine joined everyone for lunch, where they discussed their BridgeUSA experience. Participants shared that they had made strong friendships with their American coworkers and were surprised by how welcoming the US was. One participant had even joined a local gym to stay active and meet new people. Their Host Employer emphasized the essential role the program plays in keeping their business running and expressed how much they enjoy welcoming participants year after year. One manager even visited Peru the previous year to reconnect with past participants!

Later in the day, Katherine watched as participants prepared to open the ski hill. She spoke with lift operators in their uniforms and kitchen assistants who were excited about their experience. Many expressed a desire to return next season and bring friends along. They also appreciated the support and communication from Spirit Cultural Exchange, which ensured a smooth and rewarding program experience.

This visit was a wonderful reminder of how BridgeUSA programs contribute to the US economy and enrich American communities while providing BridgeUSA winter participants with meaningful cultural and professional development experiences.

Want to Support BridgeUSA Winter Participants?

We encourage our Host Employers, Host Schools, and policymakers to actively support cultural exchange by joining Americans for Cultural Exchange.

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