
As Memorial Day was celebrated this last weekend, I had three days to enjoy and get ready for my last week here in the Windy City.

Finally, the summer is here and these days have been so nice; the city looks like a whole different place; everything comes to life, wineries, restaurants, coffee shops, bars, public events, etc.

During these six months, I wanted to be and get to know every corner of the city; I think I have been to every important spot in Chicago and know I don’t know if I’m ready to go back home!

During summer you won’t even know what to do due to the endless options and places that you can pick; so I decided to spend this weekend at the beach. I will never forget how was the feeling of putting on my headphones, my favorite music and get lost in the city just to take some pictures!

Also, I am trying to eat as much as I can of my favorite food! I will not only miss the vibrant life of Chicago but the taste as well. The food that you can find is something that I loved, so I went to eat to a Mediterranean restaurant, Greek and Indian (I am spending much more money that I should but it’s worth it!).

I am leaving in just 2 days! So as I am writing this I am feeling nostalgic but definitely Chicago has gave the best 6 months of my life, an unforgettable experience and a good goodbye.

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