On Saturday, I attended a march of all the schools and different companies at Plaza del Sol, a yearly tradition that lands on July 6th. My host mother told me about the different people marching in the band, women’s activist groups, my host sister’s school, and government employees. I loved seeing how a town this small has so much love and history to offer to its residents. I think it shows how happy and proud people are to be a part of Cotacachi on July 6th. Can I also mention, the street food is amazing! It comes in different sizes and varieties, such as fried sugar balls, chips with ketchup, fish with rice and potatoes, and my favorite, apples. After the parade, I then visited Otavalo, where plaza ponche was having its biggest markets. My proudest achievement was buying a hammock! I’ve always wanted a hammock since I visited Nicaragua and helped manufacture one. I have wanted to own a hammock to always remember how relaxing Latin America is to me.

Cheers from Ecuador!