1st Place - Tsuyoshi Y.

Our Winter Photo Contest Week 3 theme was “Your Town.” Participants could share photos of a local landmark, local event, or their favorite place. From New York to California, we had some great entries! You can see our top 3 photos below.


1st Place – Tsuyoshi Y.

Work & Travel | Highmount, New York

“I took this picture by a statue here where I live! There are a lot of trees and not many houses near where I am, but that just makes the little things (and big things like this statue) so much more beautiful and remarkable!”

1st Place - Tsuyoshi Y.


2nd Place – Abby D.

J-1 Intern | Saint Louis, Missouri

“Snowy STL”

2nd Place - Abby D.


3rd Place – Maria D.

Exchange Teacher | Fairfield, California

“Don’t worry, be happy! Happiness is in the heart!”

3rd Place - Maria D.

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